The Passing of a Great Historian


Aubrey Haines - 1914 - 2000

Without the unceasing efforts of Park Historian and Ranger, Aubrey Haines, the bulk of historical source material for Yellowstone National Park history would have been lost. Haines came to the Park as a ranger in 1938. During the course of his career in the park service, he not only salvaged historical documents from forgotten storerooms and garbage heaps, but he also contributed immensely to the scholarship of park history. With his books, The Yellowstone Story (1977), and Yellowstone National Park: Its Exploration and Establishment (1974), he debunked many Park myths, and set the course for the historical research of Park origins. He wrote many other books about Yellowstone history, and several books about Oregon, Mount Rainier, and the Big Hole Battlefield. He found history wherever he went, and had an unusually gifted capacity for sharing his enthusiasm with his readers. Yellowstone Geographic salutes his important contributions to the field, and honors his esteemed memory. Continue to the next page, Area Artist: Steve Osman.

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